Asciidoc with PDF output on OSX Mavericks
I recently updated to OSX Mavericks on my work laptop. All seems well at the moment (nothing unfixable) but I was trying to get asciidoc outputting PDFs as I did previously. As this was a relatively new machine, I hadn’t fully install all my tools on it.
A2x installed with no problems as part of the asciidoc bundle from Homebrew. But there was no dblatex and a few noted issues about environment variables.
So I found the necessary path information and added to my ‘.bash_profile’.
export TEXMFROOT=/usr/local/texlive/2013
export PATH=/usr/texbin:$PATH
Then I used the ‘easy_install’ package to get dblatex installed (the pip package seems to have its own issues).
Sun 08 Dec 2013